
Diamond Does Not Bend 1

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Literature Text

Diamond Does Not Bend

Saturday, September 1, 2007

A young teenage girl sat in a train seat, writing and drawing in a notebook.  She had blond hair in a ponytail just past her shoulders, pale blue eyes, and she was dressed in a pure white shirt, white pants and well worn sneakers.  The train came to a halt and she closed the notebook with a snap.

She collected a duffel bag from an overhead compartment, and then a suitcase from the luggage car.  She checked a piece of paper and made her way through the station to where another train sat waiting.  At the new train's luggage car, she stood behind another blond girl, dressed in jeans and a sport jacket, eyes of a deep blue, hair in a short, sporty cut, athletic yet still curvier than average, and who had two large trunks in her hands . . . and showed no sign of strain holding them by their metal handles.  Once the luggage was stowed, the first girl decided to follow the second into the passenger car, curious about her.

"Hello?" The second girl asked as the first sat next to her in the empty passenger car.

"Caroline White." The first said, holding out her hand. "I assume you are attending Whateley as well?"

"Whateley?  What's that?" The girl froze.

"No one else can hear us.  And I am on my way as well." Caroline replied, still holding out her hand.

"Okay . . ." The girl relaxed. "I'm Si – er – Katherine." She shook the hand. "How could you tell though?"

"Those were two large cases you were holding for at least ten minutes, and you showed no sign of strain." Caroline explained, noting the stumble, but declining to comment on it. "Most people would have set them down."

"Oh."  Katherine nodded, understanding.

"Where are you from?" Caroline asked, curious. "I can't place your accent."

"L.A." She said, a touch of pride in her voice. "Home of the Dodgers, Lakers and Wildcats.  How about you?"

"Originally Illinois." Caroline shrugged. "But lately New York."

"That's cool." Katherine looked around. "Not many people here."

"This is the overnight from Berlin to Dunwich.  Most people would rather wait until morning to travel." Caroline shrugged again.

"Well the further from my parents the better." Katherine griped.

"Oh?" Caroline raised an eyebrow at the mix of love and exasperation at the mention of parents.

"They love me.  I know that.  They just . . . don't understand me." Katherine shook her head, then focused on Caroline. "So, if we're both going to Whateley, what powers do you have?"

"I'm a healer, mage, empathy and devisor." Caroline listed them off.

"All that." Her eyes got wide. "Most only have one."

"Everything is mixed with the magic." Caroline returned the examination. "What about you?"

"Energizer and exemplar." Katherine blushed. "Well, Magnetic Energizer.  I can move metal around how I want."

"Ah, like Magneto?" Caroline nodded.

"Who?" Katherine blinked.

"Nevermind." Caroline shook her head.

"You know, it's nice to have someone to talk to on this last bit." Katherine smiled. "It gets boring otherwise."

Caroline considered the statement. "Yes." She nodded. "It is nice."


Sunday, September 2, 2007

"Katherine, wake up.  We're here." Caroline poked her seatmate.

"Mmmnwazzah?" Katherine groaned and stretched, looking exhausted.

"We're in Dunwich, we need to get off the train." Caroline looked the same as usual, in a bit mussed.

"Oh, right." Katherine yawned again. "Ungr.  I hate sleeping like this.  I just don't get rested.  How 'bout you?"

The blond healer shrugged. "I've slept in worse places."

"Yeah?" Katherine raised her hand and her large carryon bag lifted out of the overhead compartment and into her grip.

"Yes." Caroline simply stepped up on the seat to snag her own bag.

"That's kinda small, isn't it?" Katherine followed behind Caroline.

"It's average." Caroline shrugged it more securely over her shoulder as the two made their way to the luggage car.

Katherine got her two large trunks out from the pile, and Caroline walked to where an irritated police officer was standing next to a large crate with magical hazard signs.

"Excuse me." Caroline said politely, approaching the crate. "That is mine.  Do I need to sign for it?"

"Did you send hazardous magical material through /public/ transportation?" He demanded.

"It is not hazardous.  It is mostly books and simple tools.  Regulations require the placement of the signs, that's all." Caroline looked unconcerned.

He scowled at her. "Got any ID?"

Caroline held out her MMID card, and waited patiently while he examined it.

"Alright, you can have it.  But I don't want any of this crap to leave school grounds, got it?" He ordered.

"I understand." Caroline nodded.

"Sign here." He shoved at clipboard at her.

Katherine approached after the officer had walked away. "What is that?"

"Just books, my notes and tools." Caroline said as she frowned at the crate. "It's perfectly safe, people are just paranoid."

"Well . . . what are you doing?" Katherine turned her uncertain gaze to Caroline as the healer made some gestures and muttered a couple phrases.

"Reducing the coefficient of friction on the bottom of the crate." Caroline gave it a push and nodded in satisfaction as it moved smoothly across the floor of the station.

"What does that mean?" Katherine asked.

Caroline paused and rethought the statement. "I used magic to let the box slide so I don't have to lift it."

"Oh, why didn't you say that in the first place?" Katherine asked.

"I did." Caroline pulled the box to a halt and frowned at the obstacle in front of the two.

"What's wrong?"

"Stairs." She kept frowning.


Caroline and Katherine eventually found themselves at the waiting area for new students.  The crate was now in the process of being shipped the rest of the way to Whateley, the two girls had breakfast in a local diner, and Caroline was interested to see Katherine 'recharge' with a portable generator that had been in one of the trunks.  And now the two watched as more teens entered the waiting area as well.

One very attractive girl with green hair was loudly explaining to a slightly heavy (yet still very beautiful) redhead with pink eyes all about the feminist movement, and how it was still a vital necessity in this man run world.  Several boys were in a quiet conversation with each other, and some other girls were chattering away.

"You could join them if you want." Caroline commented as she opened her notebook and started coding runes again.

Katherine tore her attention away from a couple of boys who were having an animated discussion about football. "No . . . I couldn't." She sighed.

"If that is your choice." She shrugged, continuing her work.

The time passed, slowly for some, faster for others (a time warper was showing off) until a couple large cans pulled up and a tall Asian woman came in.  She walked to where she could address the whole group and got their attention.  "Alright children, listen up!  I am Mrs. Shugendo, I'm the Dean of Students at Whateley Academy.  There are two shuttles here to take you to the school.  I'm going to call off your names alphabetically.  When I call out your name, let me know who you are, and then go out to the vans.  Now, I know that you have a lot of questions - but, unless it's an emergency, save it for when we get to the school."

Names were called off, and one by one everyone filed in and had a seat.

"There is no need to be so nervous." Caroline commented.

"I'm just . . . worried." Katherine kept fretting as the van kept getting closer to its destination. "How can you be so calm?"

"I have thought of the various possibilities that can happen, and made plans as appropriate." Caroline started another page in her notebook.

"The various . . . nevermind." She shook her head and stared out the window.


Once everyone had filed out of the vans where they parked in front of a four story red brick building, Mrs. Shugendo addressed them again. "Welcome to Whateley Academy everyone!  Now, you'll get the formal Welcoming speech from the Headmistress along with all the other Freshmen, but this little talk is just for YOU.  Now, the reason that you were all told to come here a day ahead of the other Freshmen, and the reason that you're being put up in this dormitory is that you all have something in common that sets you apart from the other students, even beyond your individual mutations.  You are what is currently called 'Alternative Lifestyle' types.  You are Gay, Lesbian, Transgendered, or so aggressively Bisexual that it is an issue for you.  We don't condemn you for this; you didn't really have a choice in it, any more than you chose to be mutants.  We realize that it's hard going through adolescence.  We realize that it's even harder when you're a mutant.  You have enough to put up with already, you don't need the extra aggravation of being branded a -quote- sexual deviant -unquote-.

"Unfortunately, homophobic bias is so deeply ingrained in the American, Canadian and British school systems, and to a lesser extent in the European schools, that letting you go around openly declaring that you're Gay or Lesbian or Bi or Transgendered is just asking for trouble. So, we have Poe Cottage, a place where you don't have to worry about the kids down the hall finding out, because they already know about you, and you already know about them.

"Now, while we are very proud of the fact that you were brave and honest enough to admit your orientation during on your admittance forms, I'm afraid that we're going to have to ask you to curb that honesty. I'm afraid that it's a matter of your continued safety. There are students here who have been victimized quite cruelly. And, unfortunately those who have been hurt that way tend to be the cruelest of all, when they find someone that they can pass that pain onto. And in our society, homosexuals and 'fellow travelers' are still considered fair game for that sort of thing. Given the abilities that students at Whateley have, a 'Gay Bashing' could turn deadly, even Apocalyptic. It is, simply said, easier for all involved, if it simply doesn't become an issue. If your sense of pride demands that you come out of the closet, then you have a right to. But please, have consideration for the other people here at Poe, and don't reveal the overall status here.

"The reason that you were brought here a day before the more... mainstream Freshmen, is twofold- to give you a day to get used to the campus before the others get here, and so that you will sort of be part of the background when they get here. This will give you a certain... credibility that should allow you to make connections more easily . . ."

The green haired girl stepped forwards, a grim look on her face. "Are you telling me that I am going to be stuck in a building with . . . /males/?" She pointed accusingly at the teenage boys in the group.

"Male and female students are separated into different hallways, and you will be rooming with a girl.  If you have any further questions about that subject, you may direct them to Mrs. Hortan.  She is the 'house mother' for Poe cottage, and will be available to help."

"I can't believe this!" The girl started to rant. "I was /promised/ that there were women only dorms here!  This is an outrage and an insult!"

Mrs. Shugendo sighed. "Child, if you truly need to be in a female only cottage, then you can transfer out of Poe and into Whitman or Dickenson.  But this is the only place where you do not have to worry about your orientation."

"You can't do . . ."

"Moving on." Mrs. Shugendo said firmly. "These three students." One girl, one boy and one . . . girl . . . stepped forward, "will be your student guides.  And one last thing to remember . . . Don't break our Campus." She ended emphatically.

One by one, names were called out again, and all the boys went one way, most of the girls another, and three were left with last girl.  Who, Caroline noted, had a very odd empathic signature.  She was dressed in a school uniform like the other two, but instead of a skirt, she wore pants.  She had short, spiked black hair, a modest chest, and was very thin without looking sickly.

"My name is Ayla Goodkind." The girl began. "Yes, one of 'those' Goodkinds." She sighed, seeing the shocked looks on two of her charges faces. "Good afternoon, and welcome to Poe Cottage.  As you have been told, Poe is home to the GLBT students of the school." Ayla looked at them with sympathy in her eyes. "And this group with composed of those who either have, are in the process of, or want to cross the gender divide."

She paused as the three started to look at each other a little differently . . . except for Caroline, who knew about herself, suspected of Katherine, and figured that the third may be from the group selection.

"Now, why don't we all share our own stories?  How about you start." Ayla indicated Katherine.

"Me?" Katherine gulped.

"We all are going to share, so you may as well share now." She informed her.

"Well . . . there's not much to say." Katherine shrugged. "My brother was driving me home from a baseball game and hit a power pole.  He was thrown from the car but I was stuck inside and got zapped when the line fell.  I woke up in the hospital like this." She gestured to herself.

"And how do you feel about it all?" Ayla asked.

"Well . . . the powers are cool I guess." Katherine shrugged again. "But . . . I got kicked off the team.  And now I can't play sports again.  Ever." She looked down. "I hate that."

"I know, it's tough.  We all lost something because of this." Ayla said sympathetically. "And what powers did you get?"

"Magnetic energizer." Katherine pulled a metal bracelet from her arm and floated it through the air. "At my skin level, I can move 8 tons of stuff . . . at ten feet it's 4 tons and every ten feet it cuts in half again until 500 lbs at 50 feet."

"Very impressive." Ayla nodded.  She turned to Caroline. "How about you?"

"I got my powers when I turned 13." She said simply. "I changed, however, when I opened a trapped spell book that had a body shifting curse inside."

"And how do you feel about your change?"

"It is unpleasant.  But attempting to remove the curse will kill me.  So, I live with it." Caroline said dispassionately.

"And your powers?"

"I am a healer, empathy, wizard and some devisor ability." She made a gesture and a small ball of light appeared.

"A mage /and/ devisor?" Ayla raised an eyebrow. "That is very rare.  If you want, I can help you market your inventions, finding you a consumer base and competitive prices."

"I am quite pleased with how my products are being sold." Caroline replied.

"It doesn't hurt to do a comparison of what I can offer versus what you currently receive, to maximize profit potential." Ayla tried again.

"Why?  And additional profits would just go to charity.  I don't really need much money.  It doesn't mean that much to me." Caroline didn't look concerned.

Ayla looked shocked, then turned to the last of the freshmen TGs. "Why don't you share your story with us?"

The redhead sighed theatrically. "My name . . . now . . . is Amie.  And I was out on a fishing trip with my grandfather when I felt really hot.  Still, I stepped in to save a girl from a couple drunk jerks, but even though I beat two of them, the third managed to throw me into the lake.  And then I started /changing/.  I spent two weeks in a hospital losing my manhood and turning into /this/.  I . . ."

Caroline interrupted her, a slight frown on her face. "Arnold?"

"How do you know my name?" Amie demanded, gasping.

"Because you didn't 'save some girl from some punks'." Caroline said dryly. "You bumped into them after storming off because I told you off when you complained about my cooking.  They threw you into the lake and I jumped in to keep you from drowning."

Amie's mouth worked soundlessly as recognition dawned. "That . . . you . . ." Her expression darkened. "You did this to me!  I'll kill you!"

Caroline held up her hands and spat a phrase, tripping Amie as the redhead's feet stuck to the cement path. "All I did was restart your lungs once you were pulled out of the water.  You changed . . .ack."

Amie had reached out a hand that extended three times in length to grab hold of Caroline's throat and lift the healer off her feet. "You ruined my life!" She yelled.

"Let go of her now." Ayla ordered, her voice carrying the full weight and authority inherent in the Goodkind name.

Amie flinched and reflexively let go. "But she . . ."

Caroline dropped to her feet and narrowed her eyes, hands ready and a slight glow in her focus bracelet. "As I was saying, you had probably started changing before I got near you.  I had nothing to do with it."

"Like hell you didn't!" Amie reached again, but Ayla grabbed the arm and with a smooth transition of movements had the redhead tied up.

"There will be no fights while I am in charge." Ayla said firmly, seeming more . . . solid than normal.

"Sure, take /her/ side because she's some 'magic devisor'." Amie snapped.

"That has nothing to do with this." Ayla's voice dropped a few degrees in temperature. "Now, we will start the tour and we will have /no/ trouble.  Is that understood?"

Amie took a look at the expression on Ayla's face and quailed. "okay." She said quietly.

"Good." Ayla looked around the group. "That goes for the rest of you as well."

Katherine gulped and nodded, and Caroline simply nodded, her eyes still on Amie.

"Now, I said we are all sharing, and that includes me.  The story of my first year and how I got to Whateley is being ghost written by Castle Novels, but I can give you the condensed version . . .
Whateley Academy Fanfic

Here's the start of Caroline's first month at Whateley! Let me know what you think :)
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bellatrixiabish's avatar
Uhm...Arnold is aby